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“We have set ambitious goals to deliver an efficient experience to our business customers while reducing the internal stress and risks associated with the assessment and administration of factoring. Standardising how we receive invoice data is an investment that will help us now and in the future. Zwapgrid API.1’s combination of delivering file and API data in a unified way stand out as both unique, powerful and efficient”. 

Morgan Belic Ikano Bank


We have chosen Zwapgrid's smart API for finance. It's a convenient way for us to offer everyone who uses Keeros Finance their customers' financial data. It will be important and a major competitive advantage going forward if we and they are to grow at the rate demand is increasing and offer exactly the kind of solutions needed in a rapidly changing market. We have always been careful to offer agile and smart solutions. By using Zwapgrid and its smart API, we can create exactly the experience we want, without having to build and maintain a large amount of integrations ourselves,"

Krister Keskitalo Founder, Keeros

Krister Keskitalo

We want to streamline bookings and automate as much of our customers' logistics as possible. With the help of Zwapgrid, we can add additional value to our delivery. We are growing on several markets and need to be able to help more people and streamline as much as possible.

Through our collaboration with Zwapgrid, Sendify can save even more time and money for our customers and ourselves by providing integrations with many of the most important accounting systems that our customers use.

Max Schagerström Head of Product, Sendify


Together with Zwapgrid we can provide solutions for many different softwares in the Nordics and northern Europe. Zwapgrid always provide us with invaluable expertise on both tech and management. I recommend any software company to join the grid and grow through connectivity.

Joel Risberg Strategic Partnership Manager, Nets AS, Nexi Group (Leading PSP in Europe)


Zwapgrid makes it easier for us to provide more value to for example e-commerce merchants. We collaborate closely from analysis of the pains and needs of our customers to optimising the on-boarding journey and go to market. They are also helping us collaborating with other partners.

Ulf Bokelund CEO, Björn Lundén (Leading ERP for Accounting firms in Sweden)


About the solutions


Factoring is offered in two different ways, either by buying invoices or by mortgaging them, and Ikano Bank can handle customer relations as a part of the factoring process.

The Challenge:

Ikano Bank had to replace a virtual printer for invoice file data. At the same time they wanted to modernize their offering and make it possible for business customers to connect their accounting systems, to supply invoice data directly from the APIs. All this to keep providing efficient, fair and transparent services as well as reducing stress and mitigating risks with factoring going forward.

Ikano Bank <> Zwapgrid

Ikano Bank have added Zwapgrid API.1 to their tech stack and can now connect their customers in a simple and secure way. They can do this in a pace that is adapted to their internal processes and needs. They start in Sweden and have access to every system and file type that is added to API.1, making it possible to connect business customers on all Nordic markets going forward, thus streamlining their internal processes and making it easier to deliver efficient and secure factoring, no matter the source of the invoice data.


Keeros was founded in 2011 with the ambition to optimize the process and drive operational excellence for companies that deliver financial services. Their customers request more and better data through Keeros Finance platform. Keeros choose Zwapgrid API.1 to provide that and grow even more efficiently.

  • Keeros Finance provides other financial solutions with the capabilities to run an efficient invoice factoring business. 

  • Keeros customers can for example handle credit check on potential clients, automatic monitoring, automatic invoice printing & distribution and overview of engagement. For this they need updated data.

  • Therefore, they choose to use Zwapgrid API.1. Keeros build and provide their own experience for their finance customers without having to build and maintain many integrations.


Sendify is one of Europes leading solutions that simplify freight administration. They use Zwapgrid's technology to offer their customers to connect a range of accounting systems to Sendify to easily share data and automate time-consuming manual processes. When everything is automated, it also reduces the risk of manual mistakes that can be very costly.

  • Sendify's customers save time because they don't have to do the same job several times in different systems when booking their freight.

  • This reduces manual mistakes, thus minimising extra costs that are often charged by the transportation companies for errors in bookings. 

  • As a result of the automation, Sendify's customers can grow without recruiting people to the logistiks department. 



Manually logging the transactions takes a lot of time from merchants. Nets processes over 7.7 billion transactions a year.

  • Thanks to the Nets–Zwapgrid partnership, small business owners can log all transactions in their accounting programs automatically.
  • Zwapgrid automates the accounting manual labor involved in running a business.
  • Our mission is to help the small business owner and remove unnecessary work.
  • Handling billions of transactions annually, Nets is among the top payment providers in Europe.
  • They keep a tight focus on making it even easier and more intuitive for their users.
  • With Zwapgrid’s help, Nets can offer their business customers a ready-made solution.

Björn Lundén is a leading book keeping software provider in the Nordics. Zwapgrid has a long term strategic partnership with them.

  • Björn Lundén is growing, which means our grid is growing and our joint offering grows too.
  • Björn Lundén ERP system is being well integrated with other platforms that their end customers are using. That’s why Björn Lundén sees Zwapgrid as an important partner. 

With our partnership, we provide integrations with systems that the customers uses.

  • It can be Payment Service Provider platforms (Nets, Zettle, Klarna, Stripe) but also E-Commerce platforms and Customer-Relation-Management systems.
  • Now with Björn Lundén, we plan to expand into new territories to expand our technology with Europe and beyond.


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We are interested too. Get in touch with us. Let's make it happen together.


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